Netscape Browser Setup
When modifying pages, the RELOAD button on the toolbar or View-Reload from the menu bar will reload the page you are currently viewing from the server. This will solve most of your problems.

The caching policy is controlled from the Preferences menu in Netscape. To check the current policy, click Edit-Preferences from the menu bar. This launches a new window. The left side of this window contains a list labelled Categories. The last category is Advanced. Under Advanced there are sub-categories, including Cache. If the sub-categories are not shown, click on the triangle to the left of Advanced to expand the sub-categories. Then click on Cache. The right hand side of the window will then show the Cache screen.

At the bottom of the window, will be a section that reads:
Document in cache is compared to document on network

  • Every time
  • Once per session
  • Never
Most likely, the Once per session button is selected. This means that after you start Netscape, it will download the document and then keep using that copy until you exit Netscape. With this selection, you can for Netscape to load the new copy from the server by exiting Netscape and starting it again. We recommend this setting. If this is not selected, click on the appropriate button, and then click the OK button.

Alternatively, you can select the Every time button. However, this will cause the browser to check every document every time you access it. If the network is slow, this will be inconvenient. You may want to use such a setting only while working on your page, and then change it to Once per session when you are done to make best use of caching when you visit other sites.

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