Web Site Design
NetPERLs also provides web site design services for small and large sites. The purpose of a web site is generally two-fold. First, to provide information to your audience. Second, to convince that audience to act on the information. Success is commonly evaluated by how many times your audience acts on the information you have provided. This means that web sites should be clear, consise, straight forward, quick to download, and it should be easy for the user to make the desired response.

Costs for webpage design have recently grown to fairly high amounts to produce a web site that is hardly viewable to the average user connecting to the internet with a dialup modem connection. However, this describes the majority of internet users. We will design a site for you that conveys the information you want presented in a clear and concise manner to achieve your goals at a fair and reasonable cost.

As an example, a single page with your company or organization logo and text prepared by you can be converted to HTML and on the web for as little as $20.00 (assumes a minimum of 6 months hosting service, prepaid).

NetPERLs' knowledgeable staff can work with you to create a site that is striking and matches your taste and the needs of your business at a very reasonable cost. The cost depends on the amount of readily available material such as text and graphics from your existing marketing brochures. NetPERLs could undertake both initial web design as well as ongoing web site emaintenance. For more information, please contact our account manager at

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